During check-in, Miss Rodeo America 2015, Lauren Heaton, personally pinned the contestants’ banners to them. This event was not open to the public but was rather an intimate and memorable occasion for both Lauren and her nearly three dozen potential successors.
Around 9:30 a.m., the contestants jumped into the first round of Q & A with a panel of judges. They were asked about current world events, to include details of the recent Paris tragedy, medical marijuana, and the appropriateness of school uniforms. Contestants were judged not only by their knowledge and understanding of the topics, but also the eloquence with which they responded.
Following lunch with their families, the queens moved themselves (and their hefty pageant luggage) into their hotel rooms at the MGM Grand. Contestants share a room with one other girl for the entirety of pageant.
Miss Rodeo Texas in her award-winning, custom modified Wrangler jeans.
The party was halted mid-afternoon by the next event, a showcase of the ladies’ creativity and fashion sense. Earlier this year, each state rodeo queen received a sponsored pair of Wranglers and were challenged to make the jean their own using whatever means and material they could imagine. The 33 unique, individually modified Wranglers were modeled one by one by their creators. Judges agreed that Miss Rodeo Texas had the most innovative, widely-marketable design (check out that fringe!).
The girls then headed off to rehearsal until late hours of the evening. They retired to bed after a well-spent and exciting first day as competitors for the crown and prestige of MRA 2016.
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