Scheduling Your Queen: A National Director’s Perspective

Posted on August 30, 2017 by Miss Rodeo America

“Great order is the foundation of all things” – Edmund BurkeJodi Charrier 1

Having the ability to be organized is a must for the National Director and her Queen. It is the National Directors job to oversee the logistics of all appearances, bookings, and activities during her reign.

The process of scheduling your Queen sometimes requires many phone calls, emails and investigative work. It is important to gather all the key Jodi Charrier 5information; who, what, when, where, and why. What opportunities will the appearance you have been asked to participate in provide? Is it a ‘for fun’ appearance or is it benefiting the relationship and networking of sponsors? Build a data base for year to year appearances, to make the process easier each year.

Consult the Queen calendar of events to be certain the date in question is available. Having a shared calendar that can be accessed by all of those involved is a very helpful step. Daily check ins with the calendar are critical, as it is quite possible events will change daily. I recommend Google calendar.

Once you have said information established, it is time to book the appearance. Jodi Charrier 4Depending on your area and the level of activity in your community, you may have to initiate booking events and do research on your own. For example, school visits, civic clubs, parades, sponsor appearances, etc. You want her to have as much exposure as possible for her sponsors and preparation for the Miss Rodeo America Pageant.

Attention to details is vital. Depending on the Queen’s sponsor funds she has available and the budget that you have set for her year, you will need to determine if travel arrangements would be most suitable driving or flying. Often if the event is community driven the organizing committee will cover the travel expense as well as provide a host Jodi Charrier 2family or arrange for a hotel. Occasionally there will be appearances that will be funded from the Queen budget or sponsor monies. In this circumstance, it is best to ask for a hotel located close to the appearance. When hotel arrangements are made, it is essential the Queen carry with her the credit card that the room has been held with as it needs to be in their possession at time of check in, that they can use to pay for her room. Arrange for transportation to and from the airport. Will the event require a horse? If so, will a horse be provided?

Preparing the Queen for her journey is the National Director’s job. To provide the best experience possible is the utmost responsibility. Seven to ten days before the event date, it is important for the Queen to have the pertinent details for her appearance. Providing an appearance form with information relating to her trip helps her to be organized and successful. Each appearance form should have information such as; flight arrangements,Jodi Charrier 7 what she can expect once she has arrived at the airport or location of the event, who the host family is or what hotel she will be staying at and contact information for said people, how many tear sheets will she need, thank you notes, and host gift.  Other pertinent details to include on the form are who the event contact is, any special clothing required, chaps etc.  and if a horse will be provided. All of these details make for a smooth and successful experience. Lastly, evaluation of the event from the Queen is important, as it helps set the schedule for the upcoming year. Making sure that it should be an annual investment of time and funds.

Maintaining social media is a big job for your Queen, she is always on the run, with very little time to keep her fans updated on the happenings of her journey. It can be quite helpful for her to have help with this by the National Director or a Media Director within your organization.

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To find success as a National Director, it is imperative that you communicate with your Queen, treat her with respect and be organized!

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