Media Coverage can be provided in a variety of ways. Schedule well in advance and provide press kits.
- Press conference to announce arrival of MRA.
- Interviews—TV, Radio, Newspapers.
- Talk Shows—TV and Radio (guests are often scheduled months in advance).
- Local Chamber of Commerce and company news bulletins.
- Local Hispanic Chamber of Commerce appearances.
Community Appearances can be arranged quite easily if requests are made early.
- Grade school classroom visits (Call the Principal for permission).
- Junior and Senior High School assemblies or room visits.
- Junior and Senior High School Football and Basketball games (have Miss Rodeo America introduced to the crowd).
- Visits to Special Needs Schools.
- Visits to Senior Citizen groups - may want her to speak.
- Speaking engagements at Civic Groups (Kiwanis, Rotary, Lions, etc.).
Autograph Parties or Sessions can be held in a variety of places.
1. Western Apparel Stores
2. Shopping Centers or Malls
3. Banks
4. Schools
5. Dealerships
Rodeo and/or Fair Activities offer many ways to use Miss Rodeo America.
1. Appearance in parades.
2. Grand Entry at rodeos.
3. Running cattle out of the arena during the rodeo.
4. Appearance at cooking contests and other such activities as a PR representative.
State Pageants and Local Queen Contests offer good opportunities to use Miss Rodeo America.
1. Arrange meeting with contestants for pointers from Miss Rodeo America on the following:
—Appearance: Attractiveness, Grooming, Photogenic Quality, Poise and Posture, Knowledge of Proper Western Attire.
—Horsemanship skills: Control, Balance, Position.
—Personality: Intelligence, Conversational Ability, Making Speeches, Impromptu Questions, Self-Projection, Promptness, Appearance.
2. Use Miss Rodeo America to assist in Master of Ceremonies duties at pageants and contests, etc.
3. Have her give brief talk about the Miss Rodeo America Pageant or about her year as Miss Rodeo America.