Schedule an Appearance

Book Miss Rodeo America for Your Event

When you book Miss Rodeo America for an appearance in your community, remember that she is anxious to please you and is willing to do those things that will promote Professional Rodeo, your sponsors, the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association and your special activity and events. Miss Rodeo America represents the interests of Professional Rodeo and the Western Way of Life. She is well versed on the Sport of Professional Rodeo, horsemanship skills, appropriate appearance, pleasing personality and is an excellent public speaker. We have made available an MRA Appearance Request form to print and submit your request for scheduling Miss Rodeo America at your event. We will make every effort to accommodate your request.

Review the suggestions below to help you get the most out of Miss Rodeo America’s visit:

    Contact Person

    Event Info

    Appearances are fulfilled on a first come first serve basis, except in the instance of sponsor obligations.

    Travel expenses will be covered by Booking Organization.

    • Round trip air fare and baggage. Fees will be shared equally when multiple bookings are involved.

    • Automobile mileage is calculated at the current Federal mileage rate.

    • Receipts for baggage, parking, shuttle, taxi, etc. will be submitted following appearance for payment.

    MRAI will retain a $175.00 per day Appearance Fee and a one-time $30.00 Booking Fee (waived for current Rodeo Committee Members, major MRA sponsors or state organizations holding a current MRAI Participation Agreement). OR $250 per day clinician fee; Plus $30 booking fee.

    Lodging will be paid/provided by the Booking Organization.

    Meals will be provided by the Booking Organization on days when an appearance fee is charged or a Booking Organization will be billed for meals not provided at the conclusion of the event.

    $25/day per diem will be charged to the Booking Organization on travel and appearance days.

    There will be a $100.00 Cancellation Fee if contract is canceled by Booking Organization.

    Changes made to booking dates will be subject to $50.00 change fee and cost of airline fees if changes are made after flights are booked.
    If gifts are given to MRA by your group or committee at your event, it would be appreciated if you could assist in having those shipped to her home after her departure to help defray excess luggage costs.


    Media Coverage can be provided in a variety of ways. Schedule well in advance and provide press kits.

    • Press conference to announce arrival of MRA.
    • Interviews—TV, Radio, Newspapers.
    • Talk Shows—TV and Radio (guests are often scheduled months in advance).
    • Local Chamber of Commerce and company news bulletins.
    • Local Hispanic Chamber of Commerce appearances.

    Community Appearances can be arranged quite easily if requests are made early.

    1. Grade school classroom visits (Call the Principal for permission).
    2. Junior and Senior High School assemblies or room visits.
    3. Junior and Senior High School Football and Basketball games (have Miss Rodeo America introduced to the crowd).
    4. Visits to Special Needs Schools.
    5. Visits to Senior Citizen groups – may want her to speak.
    6. Speaking engagements at Civic Groups (Kiwanis, Rotary, Lions, etc.).

    Autograph Parties or Sessions can be held in a variety of places.

    1. Western Apparel Stores

    2. Shopping Centers or Malls

    3. Banks

    4. Schools

    5. Dealerships

    Rodeo and/or Fair Activities offer many ways to use Miss Rodeo America.

    1. Appearance in parades.
    2. Grand Entry at rodeos.
    3. Running cattle out of the arena during the rodeo.
    4. Appearance at cooking contests and other such activities as a PR representative.

    State Pageants and Local Queen Contests offer good opportunities to use Miss Rodeo America.

    1. Arrange meeting with contestants for pointers from Miss Rodeo America on the following:
    —Appearance: Attractiveness, Grooming, Photogenic Quality, Poise and Posture, Knowledge of Proper Western Attire.
    —Horsemanship skills: Control, Balance, Position.
    —Personality: Intelligence, Conversational Ability, Making Speeches, Impromptu Questions, Self-Projection, Promptness, Appearance.

    2. Use Miss Rodeo America to assist in Master of Ceremonies duties at pageants and contests, etc.

    3. Have her give brief talk about the Miss Rodeo America Pageant or about her year as Miss Rodeo America.


    1. Choose your program of activities and arrange schedule details ahead of time.

    2. Publicize the arrival of Miss Rodeo America in your news media along with your special event promotion.

    3. Miss Rodeo America’s hotel/lodging accommodations must be pre-approved by the MRA Scheduling Coordinator.


    1. Prior to her arrival, give the MRA Scheduling Coordinator a detailed schedule of MRA’s activities during her stay there. She needs to plan her wardrobe and study notes for promos, speeches, etc. Upon her arrival, please give inform her of any schedule changes.

    2. Advise MRA about transportation arrangements so she can be on time for all her appearances.

    3. Be straight-forward in explaining your requirements of her. She will do her best job when she knows exactly what is expected of her.

    4. If MRA stays with a family instead of in a hotel/motel, please limit her participation in family activities.

    5. Allow her enough time for rest between appearances and provide complete privacy when dressing and putting on her makeup.


    1. Round trip air fare and baggage (1 bag for event 7 days or less/2 bags for event 8 or more days). Air fare will be shared equally when multiple bookings are involved.

    2. Automobile mileage at 58.5 cents/mile for any part of the trip.

    3. $175.00 per day appearance fee; Plus $30.00 booking fee. OR $250 per day clinician fee; Plus $30 booking fee.

    4. All meals and lodging for Miss Rodeo America during her stay will be paid by your organization, including $20.00 per diem on travel days only.

    5. Receipt for baggage fees, airport parking, meals, shuttle, or taxi service will be submitted following appearance for payment.

    6. $100.00 charge to cancel Appearance Agreement and/or Contract.

    7. Any requested change in appearance dates and/or cancellation of contract made after flight arrangements have been arranged will result in a $50.00 office charge plus the cost of changing the airline ticket.

    Your signature on the MRA Appearance Request form constitutes a commitment on your part to host Miss Rodeo America at your rodeo or event as per the above stated requirements.

    • If you have a problem of any kind during the appearance of Miss Rodeo America in your city, call the MRA office at once. We welcome your suggestions and comments because we want this part of our program to be completely satisfactory to you.

    CONTACT: MRA Office

    101 Pro Rodeo Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80919
    Phone: (719) 313-9063; Fax (719) 419-7498;


    Copyright 2025. Miss Rodeo America. All Rights Reserved.