We all know that there is a lot that comes along with being a rodeo queen. From living out of a suitcase to very early morning interviews and all that goes into keeping rodeo queens looking their best! So, straight from the horses mouth, here are fifteen Life Hacks from former state rodeo queens, that have all competed at the Miss Rodeo America Pageant!
A life hack is defined as : any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency. Which hack is your favorite….? 1) “Never bring more suitcases or bags than you can carry on your own.”- Sara Marcus Miss Rodeo Oregon 2015
2) “Always have more than enough autograph sheets WITH you!”-Paige Nicholson Miss Rodeo America 2014
3) “When at all possible get everywhere 15 minutes early even if you’re just sitting in your truck. It allows you a little time to decompress, fix your face and self up, and makes you the amazingly punctual titleholder.”- Meghanne Rob Davis, former Miss Rodeo Washington
4) “Chaps weigh a lot. If your suitcase is overweight, take them out and carry them on. Also, don’t wear Wranglers with bling when flying. You WILL get the pat down from TSA.”-Kelli Jackson Russell Miss Rodeo America 2010
5) “If you are carrying shampoo and conditioner with you on a plane or any kind of lotion, be sure to wrap it in a Ziplock bag. The pressure can make these things explode!”-Breezy Smith Miss Rodeo Tennessee 2010
6) “Jeans are heavy and take up a lot of room. If your bag is overweight, carry them on. Also, to save room they can be rolled up to fit better and the crease down the front will be saved. When packing, bring boots that will coordinate with other outfits and don’t be afraid of getting a shoe shine at the airport. Not only will your boots look great, but it’s like
getting a foot rub for only $10.”- Anita Moorhead Miss Rodeo Virginia 2010
7) “Use toupee or wig tape to hold your hat on. It doesn’t damage your skin like carpet tape because it was meant to be on your head! Also, it is sweatproof and extremely reliable.”-Rhianna Russell Miss Rodeo Colorado 2014
8) “Pack chaps, makeup, and a curling iron in your carry-on. That way if your luggage gets lost you won’t be in an absolute pickle. Also,
wearing your spurs in the airport can help with baggage weight and TSA doesn’t consider them a weapon.” Jessie Tenant, Miss Rodeo Washington 2013
9) “Ear savers are a must! They are cheap and can be purchased at Claire’s.”- Brayvyn Leigh Brockman, Miss Rodeo Wisconsin 2013
10) “I never went anywhere without baby wipes. They can clean a hat, boots, and even make your horse shine.”- Miss Rodeo Colorado 2004
11) “Urban Decay’s 24 Hour All Nighter Makeup Setting Spray is best invention ever! It will help your makeup stay on and looking fresh through the daily dirt and sweat.” Alyssa Jones Miss Rodeo Kansas 2011
12) “Try to coordinate all of your outfits with only one hat when flying. Also, invest in a plug-in timer like the ones used for Christmas lights. You can use it with your curlers. It can be set to turn on before you wake up and then they will be nice and hot by the time you are ready to use them!”-Kara Hackney Miss Rodeo Kansas 2013
13) “Keep a digital file of your autograph sheets on the cloud or Google. This way if you run out of autograph sheets when you are traveling you have an easy way to print more!”-Holly Kennedy Miss Rodeo Wyoming 2013
14) “When traveling from an airport and you need to take a shuttle be sure to check for references with locals. I didn’t check references and just booked a shuttle to the rodeo I was headed to. Along the way we stopped at the prison to pick up new prison parolees…this was a six-hour drive. Needless to say, my State director and my mom were both furious a
nd scared. As for me, I didn’t fall asleep on that car ride.”-Michelle Morris, Miss Rodeo Maine 2012
15) “I always pack a full outfit in my carry-on in case my luggage is lost and tide-to-go pens are a lifesaver. Magic erasers are great for cleaning ANYTHING, leather dresses, chaps, hats, etc. They take off anything, gently.” Lauren Heaton, Miss Rodeo America 2015
Be sure to continue checking the blog for more Rodeo Queen #LifeHacks! These will keep you traveling down the road efficiently!