Written by guest blogger Michelle Lobdell A.C.E. Certified personal trainer/ group fitness instructor- Michelle is Miss Rodeo America 2015 Katherine Merck’s personal trainer.
I’d like to ask you, “ What are your fitness goals?” Is it to look and feel better, be stronger and faster, have more energy, or fit into your favorite pair of jeans? Whatever it is how are you going to achieve that goal?
Let’s start with mindset. We need to consciously set our goals and determine how we are going to reach them and maintain them as a lifestyle change, not as a “ diet or temporary fix” which tends to result in negative outcomes. The purpose is to achieve lifelong positive results.
Some of the key components in attaining your lifestyle goals include nutrition, hydration, core, muscular, strength and endurance. All of these can be accomplished while on the road traveling to various rodeo and events!
Start your day off with a big glass of water, or get your exercise in. This could take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on your fitness level. Always remember to to push yourself and dig deep. You must get out of your comfort zone to obtain results, something I am sure may have experienced when competing for the queen title! As you know, this is about focusing, dedication, determination, organizing your time and sweating. It will all be worth it, if you put the effort in! When exercising first thing in the morning, you are less apt to put it off later in the day. As the day goes on, there are more things that can distract you and prohibit you from getting your workout completed. Please try a few of my examples below before getting your rodeo activities started for the day. You will have more energy and be in a fantastic mood once your
workout is complete!
Example #1
• Walk the entire rodeo grounds for your warm up.
• Using the same loop now jog or jog/walk 2 more times around.
This should in total be at least 20 minutes of an elevated heart rate
• 20 walking lunges, make sure your front knee does not go past your toes when in the down position followed by 30 jumping jacks.
Repeat 2 additional times
• 10 push-ups followed by 30 second plank.
Repeat 2 more times
Example #2
• Easy 30 minute jog, remember if you’re not able to jog, a brisk walk works well but you MUST push yourself to where your heart rate is elevated and you’re breaking a sweat.
• Grab your saddle and while holding it, sit down and immediately stand back up 15 times followed by 15 push ups.
Repeat 2 more times
• 30 mountain climbers followed by 1 minute plank.
Repeat 2 more times
• 10 burpees followed by 15 triceps dips, either off off your horse trailer or a chair
Remember …. Eat Healthy food, hydrate well, and make exercise a daily priority.
Fitness will make going down the rodeo road easier and ultimately more fun!
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