Thoughts From a Rodeo Queen Mom

Posted on July 26, 2017 by Miss Rodeo America

“Oh the places you’ll go” Dr. Suess

This blog was written by Pam Rivers who is the mother of Crystal Rivers Myers, Miss Rodeo Wyoming 2007.Pam Rivers 2

“Oh the places you’ll go!”  It is an amazing and exhilarating experience having your daughter become a State Rodeo Queen.  Our daughter, Crystal Rivers Myers, was the 2007 Miss Rodeo Wyoming.  We got to watch Crystal make appearances at remarkable venues; we also were able to attend some of the exciting rodeos in which Crystal was involved.

With every competition there are ups and downs and I am sure that any young lady that earns the title of their State (fill in your state Nebraska, Minnesota, Idaho, New York, Texas, etc.) Rodeo Queen has put hours and hours into preparation.

Let me tell you a little bit about Crystal’s experiences, and mine as her mother, running for rodeo queen titles.  She competed in three pageants prior to ever winning a title at the age of 15.  As a mother I think your heart breaks for your child each time they put themselves out there to be judged and they come up just a little short.  But as a mother you have to let them succeed and fail because if they are passionate about obtaining a rodeo title they will not be defeated easily.  You also have to support their decisions either way.  As a mother that still coordinates a local pageant I would encourage mothers to not criticize the judges for their decisions.  Young people, our children, pick up on that attitude quickly.Pam Rivers 3

Rodeo Royalty pageants help young ladies develop confidence while speaking in public.  Crystal was not my only daughter that ran for rodeo royalty titles.  Crystal has a younger sister Lindsey that also competed for queen titles.  Luckily they are far enough apart in age that they never had to compete against each other.  Crystal has always been very outgoing but Lindsey is much quieter and more reserved.  I credit Rodeo Royalty Pageants and 4-H and FFA horse judging for giving Lindsey the confidence to speak publicly whether it is giving a presentation in college, applying for a job or presenting a plan to a board.  These are valuable skills in today’s society.

Crystal learned that through hard work, if this is truly your dream, never give up.  She studied harder, rode more horses, spoke in front of various groups like the Rotary, was selective about her clothing styles, and consulted with people that had expertise in areas that she needed to improve.  I also believe pageants help young people learn that each day is different in competition.  Your daughter prepares herself for the competition, but maybe today isn’t her best day.  It is important for our children to realize that there is a tomorrow just as there is in real life.   It is in how we help them approach winning and losing, with grace and humility.  As the Tim McGraw song states “always be humble and kind.”Pam Rivers 1

“Oh the places you’ll go” is such an amazing truth for those that earn a royalty title whether it is your State Rodeo Queen or the local rodeo princess.  Crystal had many phenomenal experiences while she was 2007 Miss Rodeo Wyoming.  Some of her memorable experiences were riding in an airboat in Florida, traveling with other girls with the same passion, writing articles for our local newspaper, eating a deep fried Oreo, meeting amazing host families, representing the sport of rodeo, and carrying the American flag.  As her mother I was able to experience the feeling of pride, knowing that Crystal had worked so hard for the title but also knowing that she wanted to “pay it forward” and encourage other young girls to become involved in rodeo royalty contests because she saw the valuable experiences gained from each contest

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